The bedrock value that MKE Iron Erectors, Inc. is founded on is the straightforward proposition that each of our team members must return safely to work everyday. Because we firmly believe there can
be no success without safety, this value informs all of our decision making, and shapes our culture
from the top down and bottom up.
MKE Iron understands that safety has to be nurtured both physically and mentally. Working to create
a less stressful, more positive work environment is just as vital to our team’s safety as our dedication to carry out the best practices that prevent physical harm. Our concern extends to the alarming fact that suicide rates among construction workers are some of the highest of any profession. As a member of CFMA we are dedicated to supporting suicide prevention. Click on the Construction Industry Alliance logo below for more information, or contact the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 for help.